A successful transfer!
No, we’re not talking about football here, but about the transfer of our headquarters to the vibrant metropolis of Lyon at the beginning of the year.
The local authorities welcomed us with open arms: the Rhône-Alpes region funded our programme in Senegal, the City of Lyons offered us rooms in the town hall for our evening presentation to a wide spectrum of the city’s inhabitants, and Vaulx-en-Velin put its municipal premises at our disposal.
We are gradually becoming part of the Rhône-Alpes region’s economic, educational and associational network. The expertise, the openness and the creativity of the people we meet here, and who are mobilising with us, facilitate the setting up of practical, and sometimes innovative, ventures. In Rhône-Alpes, to talk about social entrepreneurship is almost to utter a pleonasm. People’s dynamism and humanism here make a significant, and ever-growing contribution to our successful integration.
Friends from Rhône-Alpes, thank you for this amazing welcome. It’s time for some joint action!
Franck Renaudin, Founder and Director