Shérita, a MIVO Energie beneficiary in Togo

Shérita, a MIVO Energie beneficiary in Togo

In LOMÉ, with our programme MIVO ENERGIE

The very first cookstoves retailer for Entrepreneurs du Monde in Togo!

Shérita knows the NGO well, as she also benefits from its microfinance project in Togo, Assilassimé Solidarité.

In the creation process of the stove, Entrepreneurs du Monde asked Shérita to test several prototypes, vote for her favourite and suggest possible improvements.As a thank-you gift, she was given one stove, which she has been using for more than 6 months.

Now, she is so convinced of its quality that she has decided to sell some around her.

With the first income generated by the sales, she plans to buy from Entrepreneurs du Monde a stock of solar-powered lamps to extend her range of products.

Last but not least, the income will let her improve her family’s living conditions, while keeping promoting clean energy solutions.


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