The essentials of our action in 2017
Today, 2 billion people in the world are employed in the informal economy, accounting for 60% of the working population (85.8% in Africa). However, these women and men seldom exercise this type of activity by choice and are subject to an increased risk of poverty, precariousness or vulnerability*. That’s why for 20 years, our mission has been to support the socio-economic integration of these families and to facilitate their access to essential goods and services. They thus gain autonomy and improve their living conditions.
To fulfill our mission, we incubate local organizations
We help them to:
– define their vision, their mission, their social objectives, and their action principles
– set up tools and procedures for training, management and reporting
– build their governance and legal existence
– find the necessary financing over this period
– measure their social performance
In a 4 to 7-year period, these local organizations are fully equipped and structured, self-financed and led by teams completely involved in their vision and social mission from the start. Today, 18 organizations are incubating, 3 are autonomous and 4 are completely independent. This autonomy at all levels is only possible thanks to your support! THANK YOU to everyone for your generosity!
*Reference: Report of the International Labor Organization of April 2018: Women and Men in the Informal Economy: A Statistical Picture