Adjean, shop owner in the Philippines

Adjean, shop owner in the Philippines

The Philippines is one of the most populous countries in the world, where inequalities between the different provinces are high. In rural areas, for example, the rate of access to energy is 41% compared to 98% in the cities. This lack of reliable and economical energy worsens the living conditions of the rural poor and makes it difficult to develop income-generating activities. So, to light up, work and reduce the feeling of insecurity, some people use candles, paraffin lamps, car batteries or generators, but these plan Bs are insufficient, very expensive and very dangerous.

Ateco, an energy access programme incubated by Entrepreneurs du Monde, is deploying cost-effective and sustainable energy access solutions for rural communities.

Adjean is a beneficiary of the ATE co. programme, she testifies.

.Adjean bébéficiaire aux Philippines

“I opened a grocery shop in 2020, but in my village, the electricity is only available for a few hours a day and at random because there are frequent power cuts. In these conditions, it is difficult to live and develop your business. Everything has changed since I got a solar lighting kit, thanks to ATE Co.”

Selling without competitors

“When I started, I sold canned food because it was a product that no one sold in my neighbourhood. Since then, my grocery shop has diversified a lot and the solar lighting has allowed me to expand my business: I no longer fear power cuts and I can run a refrigerator to keep my products fresh.

Learning to save

“The training and awareness raising provided by ATE Co. is helping me to understand how renewable energy works and the importance of using it. I am also learning how to generate more income and save money. With the money I saved, I bought a van to make it easier to transport my products.”

Protecting my shop

“Now I want to install a video surveillance system to protect my products. I also want to start a second business: opening a hardware store.”