Samiratou, psychologist in Togo

Samiratou, psychologist in Togo

In LOMÉ, with our programme ASSILASSIMÉ

I see women from the Health Centre becoming active and independent!

I work as a psychologist at “Aides Médicales et Charité” (AMC), an NGO specialised in the care of people living with HIV. I really love my work and I am strongly committed to my patients.

I enjoy the economic and social training sessions, loans for income-generating activities and social support that Assilassimé provides to its service users through the AMC/Assilassimé partnership.

Women recovering their dynamism and becoming increasingly independent

I notice that the women we support are more dynamic than other patients. They are more accomplished, more active in debates. Their socio-economic situation is also improving and they are now more financially independent. They also complain significantly less of difficulties to feed, clothe, care for and educate their children!

Social support to resolve difficult situations

The additional counselling sessions Assilassimé offers to our patients is a positive move.

For example, one woman comes to mind, who was first cared for by an Assilassimé social worker, then referred to the “Groupe de réflexion et d’action Femme, Démocratie et Développement” (GF2D). Thanks to this support, she was able to recover ownership of her house, having been thrown out by her brothers-in-law after the death of her husband.

It may be next to nothing, but it changes practically everything! Accordingly, thanks to our partnership, I really hope that many of our patients will find their own way to happiness!


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