What do we do?

What do we do?

Entrepreneurs du Monde is a French NGO created in 1998.

It supports the social and economic integration of people from deprived communities in Africa, Asia, Haiti and France. The organisation helps them create businesses, access energy and adapt to climate change, increase their independence, improve their daily life, and that of their family as well as their community.

To achieve its mission, Entrepreneurs du Monde creates and incubates local organizations (programs) until they are self-sufficient, with 5 priority objectives: economic and social inclusion, agroecology and food security, clean and affordable energy, the fight against climate change and the emancipation of women.

Today, the NGO is active in 12 countries with nearly 800 employees.

To view our programmes in detail, consult our interactive map: https://www.entrepreneursdumonde.org/en/interactive-map/.


Our NGO has been awarded the Don en confiance label as a result of the quality of its fund management and its financial transparency.

The beneficiaries of Entrepreneurs du Monde

The beneficiaries of Entrepreneurs du Monde’s actions are people in very precarious situations, who live below the poverty line and/or are exposed to a variety of risks. These risks can be related to health, the environment, economic activity, energy, discrimination, etc.

Entrepreneurs du Monde works in four particular areas: social microfinance, support for the creation of very small businesses/entry to the workplace, access to energy and agro-entrepreneurship

Pictogramme Microfinance Sociale
Social microfinance

Entrepreneurs du Monde offers financial services (loans, savings, insurance, etc.) and socio-economic services (training, personal follow-ups, referral to other specialised structures, etc.) to shopkeepers, market sellers, seamstresses, hairdressers, farmers and others working in the informal economy to help them develop their activities and improve their daily lives.

Pictogramme TPE

Support for the creation of very small businesses / professional integration

On the one hand Entrepreneurs du Monde encourages craftsmen and basic service providers to develop very small businesses (VSB), and on the other hand assists young people in finding a job.

Pictogramme énergie

Access to energy

Entrepreneurs du Monde promotes the distribution of products such as gas stoves, improved wood or charcoal stoves and solar kits which provide significant health, economic and environmental benefits. This aspect serves as a stimulus for social and environmental innovation, that benefits the families supported by Entrepreneurs du Monde. It encourages the development of a local network of independent businesses managed by local social entrepreneurs.



Entrepreneurs du Monde prioritises agriculture programmes. We provide agricultural training, loans adapted to the harvest cycle and granaries for storage; we also seek to strengthen the farming sector.