Support to very small businesses

Support to very small businesses



532people supported in their integration

2020 Statistics

Entrepreneurs du Monde supports and encourages the most disadvantaged people to develop very small businesses and helps them to integrate into professional life.

In West Africa and Haiti, the majority of the population is under 25 years old. Young people face high unemployment and are forced into the informal sector or forced to migrate. Self-employment through the creation of very small businesses (VSBs) or professional integration are therefore major challenges that we are helping to meet. We also work in France to promote the economic integration of families in very precarious situations: statutory refugees, homeless people, single parents, people receiving minimum social benefits.



Why support the creation of very small enterprises and professional integration for the most disadvantaged?

Pictogramme TPE

In the countries where Entrepreneurs du Monde is active, the rural exodus and growing urbanisation are leading people to settle massively on the edges of urban areas in the hope of finding a means of supporting themselves and their families. These peripheral districts of the capitals are full of people who are often young, are barely literate and rarely own a means of transport. In these precarious neighbourhoods, where the unemployment rate is particularly high among women, basic social services are weak or non-existent. Most inhabitants have little access to public or private initiatives to support vocational training and employment.

Barriers to employment are most often financial constraints, illiteracy, isolation, but also simply the lack of knowledge of existing opportunities. Many only need some support to enter a process that will lead them to start a business or find a job.

Entrepreneurs du Monde’s support

As regards entrepreneurs, we favour people who want to create production or service businesses (as opposed to the purchase-resale activities supported by our social microfinance component) that will create added value and employment in precarious neighbourhoods. These people follow a methodology for the creation and development of their VSB: advice regarding business plan, training, support and help in finding financing.

With regards professional integration, we assist the people selected by increasing their knowledge and technical skills, defining their professional project and then seeking sustainable employment within a local company.

Entrepreneurs du Monde also creates company schools so that its beneficiaries can learn a trade and professional know-how under real conditions.

All are offered long-term support. By supporting these entrepreneurs in their initiatives, Entrepreneurs du Monde hopes to contribute to the establishment of sustainable activities that create jobs.


Entrepreneurs du Monde's support to very small businesses programmes